Sunday, April 22, 2012

Liturgical Calendar

After coming across a lovely calendar on another site, I loved the idea of a liturgical calendar; with the saints of the day as the day cards.  But, the way that it was set up didn't correspond to the saints we study daily in our book.  We are using Saints for Young Readers for Everyday Vol 1 and Vol 2.    If you use these books, or are interested in using them, please feel free to download these calendar pieces that I have created to accompany them!  I'm just using a calendar pocket chart as the base.  I have also made up some saint notebooking pages that match up to the saint of the day.  I will update this page each month with the new cards and notebooking pages until it is completed

God Bless!


  1. Mary
    How exciting, what a wonderful idea! alas your links aren't working:(
    I also love your previous post idea of putting your timeline figures on the corkboard, don't know why that didn't occur to me.

    So pleased to have found your blog:)

  2. Oh my goodness! I didn't realize the links weren't working! I've fixed them and I hope that you come back to check and download them. It took me a little while myself to figure out the corkboard timeline.

  3. HI Mary!

    I just stumbled on to your old blog looking for some things on Pintrest. It was suppose to be a link to free geography pages for the different states? Do you have those up some where on your new blog as the link didn't work.

    I'm glad to find your blog and will have to look around a bit!

    God bless!
    CeAnne @ Sanctus Simplicitus

    1. CeAnne,

      I lost those files when my last computer crashed and I had taken them down from the site to refresh the curriculum. I'm working on a new geography program, so if you subscribe to my blog you'll be alerted when it's posted. It should be finished in about 2 weeks. Thanks for visiting!


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