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Story of the World Volume 2 Resources

Please enjoy!

God Bless,

29 Interesting thoughts:

Curt and Sarah said...

I was hoping you'd have the time and inclination to share, but I didn't want to pester by asking. Thank you so, SO much!

Mary said...


Don't ever feel that you're pestering me! If you have an idea or suggestion for something you'd like to see, just let me know. If I can create yet, I'll try it!

God Bless,

abundantmom said...

Thank you for sharing these, they are wonderful!

God Bless you :)

Beth said...

Thank you, thank you, Mary!

Melissa said...

Thank you for sharing your fabulous timeline cards!!

Kati said...

Amazing! So glad I happened upon your resources which are EXACTLY what I was looking for! Thank you!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for sharing your SoTW resources!

Candace said...

I'd love to get these resources for SOTW 2 - for some reason it won't open for me and I just get a dropbox error code.

Megan said...

Thank you!!

Unknown said...

Hi Mary! Thanks for sharing your awesome resources! Is there a way to print the Daily Lesson Plans for SOTW Volume II with only the light-colored background?

Mary said...


Not that I know of. And everyone is welcome! As you know I've had a baby recently and pretty much all of my time has been taken up with him!

Actual Reality Homeschool Academy said...

I am so thankful that you have given us cards for all 4 books!! We are just starting with Volume 1 this week. I just spent all day laminating cards for that book. I want to add the children's births to the time line. The OCD wants everything to match deep in my would love it if you could upload a blank template for people to fill in with bonus cards. Thank you for your consideration!! :)

Unknown said...

Hi, first of all thank you for sharing your resources for Story of the World. The timeline photos are fantastic! However, as a Muslim, I just want to let you know that depicting a picture of the Prophet Muhammad is something that is forbidden in our religion and something that is a bit offensive. Please consider using a symbol or anything else in its place. I hope my words don't offend you, I just wish for us all to be tolerant and mindful of each other's religions. Thanks again.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for sharing these. I used the whole timeline from volume one and it has been a tremendous blessing. Are the timeline strips for volume two somewhere on the site? I don't want to miss them if they are available! Your resources are great! Thank you.

Debbie said...

I saw you used to have story of the world volume 2 lesson plans on your site. Do you still have them available somewhere? Thanks so much!

Rebecca said...

Hi, first of all, thank you for the amazing resource you're providing! I have made notebooking pages for my kids and I know how much work it is to find photos that are relevant! I just printed off SOTW Vol 2 Notebook Pages and noticed that the chapters 36, part of 37, and 38 are missing. I checked the original PDF and they are missing there, too (thought maybe it was a printing error). . .Do you have notebooking pages for those chapters?

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for the SOTW 2 notebooking pages! I do not have the patience to make my own. You are very gracious to share.

katherine said...

Thanks for sharing these great resources. It was just what I was looking for,for our Story of the World Middle Ages study!!

MrsKTurner said...

Do you still have the middle ages time line cards posted? I can't seem to find them and I have looked all over your blog. We have loved the Ancients time line cards. Thank you so much for all your hard work!

EarthMamasWorld said...

I would love to have access to your volume 2 and 4 timeline cards and notebooking pages. I am unable to access them here. Your resources are amazing!!

Kristin Schulte said...

I used your SOTW Volume 1 timeline cards and so LOVED them! I can't seem to find your Volume 2 cards here. Would so love to have them--your resources are wonderful and time-saving. Thank you!

Jeanette said...

Hi! These are great! Are the SOTW Volume 2 available somewhere else?

Lorie Vance-Castaneda said...

My boys and I loved using your timeline cards and notebooking pages for SOTW Vol 1. We are now on Vol 2. Like others, I have been unable to find SOTW Vol 2 timeline cards and notebooking pages and would LOVE to have them again! My boys have already asked why we don't have them yet (we are only starting Ch 2 lol). I cannot think of anything better than having children excited to learn! :) Thanks so much for all of your hard work to help all of us out here in the homeschooling world!

Unknown said...

Do you have the Vol 2 time cards?

Jekayda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jekayda said...

Sahar on April 26, 2017 at 9:03 pm
Found SOTW vol 2 timeline cards on google drive here.
Looking forward to using these resources! This was found on a link from

Lindsey said...

@Chanda Wiliams THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I was desperate to find these timeline cards and decided to scroll through the comments. Your link worked perfectly and I'm so appreciative! Be blessed!!!

Anonymous said...

God Bless you for making these. It was just what I was looking for.

Linda Ramirez said...

Thank you so much, these are so helpful and lovely

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