Sunday, May 13, 2012

All About Spelling Letter Tile Boards

As I mentioned in another post, my children each like to have their own set of letter tiles when we work on spelling together.  At this point, they are both working on spelling together at the same level.  But this is a wonderful idea even if you have just one child working on All About Spelling.

Working around a white board may seem like an ideal idea.  It may seem like the only possible way to work with magnets, but the great thing about magnets is that they adhere to each other!  Working next to my children at the table is a much better option for us.  It very well may be a much better arrangement for you as well!  What I did was make my children "letter tile boards".  It is the same exact setup as the book requires for the tiles, except they are on a board for each individual child!  Perfect setup!

First I took a tri-fold project board that I bought at Wal-Mart for $2.00

I cut the board directly in half using an exacto knife after measuring for the center.  I then used some construction paper on the outside just to decorate it up a bit.  I also affixed the cover page I made for it.

Here is a link to the letter tiles folder cover if you'd like to download it for yourself.

I then took magnet sheets and covered the inside where I wanted my magnets to stick.  I tried just strips as a prototype, but found that they magnets fell off often.  Using whole magnet sheets worked very well.  Even shaking the boards, the magnets still clung on.  You'll need 2 packages of magnet sheets for one board, 3 packages for two boards, etc..

Your child can either lay the board flat and build their words in the center of the empty white space, or build their words on the table in front of them like my kids do.

Since the boards are made from corrugated cardboard, they stand up very well and are very sturdy.  I hope that this post gave you some wonderful ideas about implementing an All About Spelling board that is easy to fold and store. 

God Bless,



  1. Mary
    this is simply awesome!! I'm so in awe of your incredible ideas with AAS!!

  2. Thanks so much! I used to love scrapbooking, but ever since homeschooling I have to take my creative frustration out on other things! LOL

  3. I need to make 3 of these. I'm trying to figure out how to cut the cost of the magnetic you think using the magnetic paint would work on the display board?

  4. Linsey,

    You know, I imagine that it would. The cardboard is pretty sturdy. It could hold up to it. If you try that, please let us all know how it works.

    God Bless,

  5. Mary, I hope to get the materials today. I will let you know how it turns out. Thanks for a great idea!! I have 5 kids and we use All About Spelling and All About Reading. So we have a lot of letter tiles. LOL


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