Tuesday, May 8, 2012

What Does A Weeks Lesson Plans Look Like At Our House?

  Well, it may look very much like yours.  But on the off chance that it doesn't and someone may glean some tips or ideas from how we do things, I thought I would post them here.

If you click on the images, you can view them larger.

This is tomorrows schedule.  Usually I schedule outside play for 30 minutes but it's due to rain all week here in the Northeast, so Wii and Kinect it is.  They need to shake the wiggles out between subjects.  You'll notice that I do 2 days of  world history followed by 2 days of American history.  I don't break the days up because they can't keep it straight in their heads what history they are working on.  I do alternate nature study and science though, every other day.

Here is Wednesday.
Lastly, here is Thursday.  We work through a 4 day week with Fridays as our "Fine art Fridays" where we do hands on art, art appreciation, and others.
If this post helped anyone with how they lay out their lesson plans, then I've accomplished what I wanted.  The little boxes in the corner is for them checking off when they finish.

God Bless,


  1. I'm really enjoying your blog! (I found it via the Not Back To School Blog Hop if you're wondering.)
    I just wanted to let you know I did indeed get some ideas from this post. I'm always looking for the perfect simple lesson/schedule plan and I like how you do it. Thanks for sharing.
    We use Writing With Ease, also. :) This will be our 3rd year and we enjoy it.

  2. Ms. Understood,

    I'm so glad that you're finding my posts helpful! Writing with Ease is fantastic in my opinion. My children have learned to summarize as well as narrate using it.

    God Bless,


If you're taking the time to read what I have to share, then I'd love to read what YOU have to share. Please leave me a interesting thought to ponder. Have a blessed day!